Saturday, March 26, 2011

This and That

I haven't posted in a little while.  Our trial a couple weeks ago was interesting.

The Good
- Rylie was awesome.  He got his starters jumpers Q and ran really really well.
- Max got an advanced jumpers Q - he ran pretty slow but that gave me time to think about handling ;-).
- Max did the teeter on the standard run without even a second thought.  Silly me for worrying.
- Max was tugging with me in the waiting area before his run - this is HUGE for us.
- Both dogs were awesome travelling and at the hotel.

The Bad

- I felt that Max was pretty stressed.  The one video I have does show him wagging his tail but he was moving REALLY slowly all weekend and he left the ring on the one run we had on Sunday.  He's never done that before.

I was considering not putting him in next month's trial but we got back, went to class and he was happy as a clam.  It might be that he just needs to get used to different venues.  I know he picks up on my stress but I didn't feel I was terribly stressed.

Anyway I decided to go ahead and enter him in the trial.  My trainer will be there so she can watch us.


beth said...

I think it's fascinating how dogs really love to travel.

Beyond the Dog Dish said...

Sounds successful and fun! He may just need time to get used to the crowds. Bet your right and it will really help to have your trainer get to view him at the next event. Ever going to an event closer to me?

Katie, Maizey and Magnus said...

Nice to get an update from you! If your anything like me the onset of spring has me running wild and busy so posting has been a bit hard.;) Thats one reason I decided to do put the blog on a FB page, it's a little easier to post little tidbits and keep up to date.

Sounds like the trial went great! It is hard to know what stresses out pups sometimes, but like you say he got back to normal so thats really good. Experience is so important-no matter how many legs you have!LOL Thanks for the update!